A dim torchlight in a dark room will not illuminate the threats or treasures hidden within. Increase the intensity of the light and point it in the right direction and not only might we learn what is in their with us, we may also discover a much larger room than first anticipated with concealed doors that once were firmly closed, might now potentially swing open.

  • Do you include the right people when information gathering, deliberating or problem solving? If yes
  • Do you ask questions, truly explore and investigate the available information or are you keen to constantly move the conversation on?
  • Are we ‘open books’ prepared to share context and our expertise, is information accessible through us and do we make it easy or challenging?
  • How much information is enough? How much context do we need or like to offer to enable others to understand and feel they have a full picture?
  • Can we ever really ‘go deep’ or for every new insight we discover, is there another one lurking below?
  • How can we ensure that we really have bottomed it out?
  • How loud does a signal, message or pattern need to be before we stop, take notice and begin to explore?
  • When should we have more than a ‘light touch’ interest in the work and contribution of others?
  • What are the triggers that make us wonder whether there might be something important under the surface?
  • How as leaders, coaches and practitioners do we sift through all the information available to us and recognize whats important?
  • How do we ensure that we don’t have blind spots, things we should know but have never taken the time to look at properly?
  • How much of the rich detail that is accessible do we miss and why is that?
  • What skills and tools could we deploy to help us take notice, develop greater curiosity about the detail around us and recognize value/contribution of those around us?
  • When can we be confident that we have a full picture? Ever?