Blended Intelligence offers expert performance and consultancy services to organisations, multi-disciplinary teams and practitioners in High Performance Sport, Business and the Educational Sectors. With nearly 20 years experience working in elite sport supporting athletes, coaches and practitioners to achieve their best in the pursuit of excellence, we understand the essential ingredients of performance and how to get the best from individuals and high performing teams.
Blended Intelligence delivers from the world of high performance sport to help organisations deliver, build impact for teams and help unlock practitioner brilliance.
A technically brilliant practitioner will have limited effect if they cannot work with others, integrate their knowledge and expertise into the teams collective goals or share their ideas and thoughts with humility when interacting with their peers.

- We custom build our performance solutions and events collaboratively with you so that they meet the needs of your organisation, business or performance team.
- Our performance and strategy reviews provide externally administered 360 feedback to assess how you operate and again, our reviews are purpose built so that they are appropriate for your environment and support team to achieve individual and collective impact.
- Leaders and Practitioners might benefit from our personal coaching.
- Our training, performance solutions and review content has been shaped and developed over 2 decades working in elite high performance support. Our mentoring and reflection programme is crafted from managing, mentoring and leading high performance practitioners that have worked across a variety of sports.