Solution Insight
What if we could travel in to the past and draw out the significant moments, powerful lessons and critical actions and really evaluate them through behavioural, emotional and technical lenses to make supercharged decisions in the future?
- Have you worked on a project that has failed?
- Have you been given feedback that you struggle to take on board?
- Are you at times blinkered to the views and opinions of others?
- Have you ever questioned or analysed your previous success?
- Do you have reflective skills and do you utilise the power of hindsight?
We offer 1:1 Mentoring and Coaching sessions for practitioners who feel they might like some external and independent support to maximise their impact at work. Reflection is a deep cognitive process and is therefor at risk from our personal biases and thinking traps. It can be helpful to walk through experiences, lessons or critical moments to extract the rich contextual details and this can supercharge your personal insights.
The process will be developed to meet the practitioners needs:

- What is the ‘significant moment’ or ‘outcome’ and why?
- Build the context
- Check and challenge
- Task
- Evaluate, review and action plan
Interested, click here to contact
Related: exposure; back to the future; perception skew; reflection