Culture is deeply ingrained within society, developed over a long time and very difficult to positively change. Often, when we talk about a work ‘culture’, positive or negative, it is out with our control to effect it and this can be demotivating. So what if we had a ‘climate control’ that we could use to create better work environments, better team interactions and happy, enthusiastic and productive individuals?
The power of ‘climate’ on environment is clear. As temperature and condition change so to, does the environment. Dry to wet, hot to cold, we immediately see our surroundings change before our eyes. When we apply ‘climate’ to how we feel in our work it can empower very rapid positive change.

In this workshop we explore the differences in culture and climate and introduce the 9 dimensions of climate which we use to appraise how you feel in your organisation. We then look at how we can adopt ‘climate’ and utilise it to positively effect our work environment, interactions and teams.