Existing in ZOUD (Zone Of Uncomfortable Debate) is difficult however, if you can get comfortable operating in this space, greater levels of insight and understanding can be found.
Tags: Perspective; Conflict; Power of Feedback; Power of Questions; Communication; Trust; Safety Vs Threat; Individual Vs Team Behaviour
A simple model for enabling and mobilising a better dialogue between people. If you can increase the quality of your communication with those you interact with (manager, mentor, coach, colleagues, athletes) all of a sudden, you might realize hidden perspective (click here for perspective) that unlocks deeper understanding…

- To operate in the RED ZONE you must first build safety and trust
- To operate in the GREEN ZONE you must be prepared to be open minded and defer judgement
- It is advisable to PUSH through RED ZONE and PULL through GREEN ZONE interactions
- It is advisable to attempt to balance PUSH with PULL i.e. Balance Challenge with Curiosity and Critique with Communication
- If you haven’t built safety or developed openness then you will be operating in the outer rings of the four quadrants – less likely to have effective and impactful interactions.
- If you are high on openness but low in safety or vise versa then you will have an imbalance between approaches which will impact on the climate of the interaction and its outcome.
- If you feel Safety has been negatively effected through a conversation seek to AMPLIFY via GREEN ZONE skills
- Seek to find balance between, and an equal distribution across PUSH/PULL & RED/GREEN zone interaction across a coaching or mentoring session.