Tags: Trust; Communication; Limiting Behaviour; Poor Performance Behaviour; Dimensions of Climate; Power of Questions; Coaching Model; Performance Feedback; Retrospective Reflection; Transformational Behaviour; Reality Tunnel‘; Perspective

Its important that #practitioners see beyond their technical competency.

Elevating Practitioners: Embracing the Power of Holistic Growth

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional development, technical competency has long been the cornerstone of success for practitioners. However, in an interconnected world where collaboration and adaptability are key, it is crucial for practitioners to expand their horizons beyond their technical expertise. By recognising the interconnectedness of their sphere of influence, sphere of awareness, and sphere of competence, practitioners can unlock new dimensions of personal growth and professional success. Practitioners need to see beyond technical competency and recognise and enhance their non technical skills to thrive in today’s dynamic environment.

Developing a broader awareness of self and others and having influencing skills, when married with the ability to acquire new technical competencies builds the practitioners power triangle:

  • Foster Collaboration
  • Enhance Capability
  • Increase Currency with others
  1. Expanding the Sphere of Influence:
    Practitioners often focus on their individual achievements and technical skills, but their sphere of influence extends far beyond their own capabilities. By acknowledging the power gradients and interpersonal dynamics at play, practitioners can cultivate valuable collaboration skills. Building strong relationships and effective communication channels with colleagues, stakeholders, and clients will not only enhance their own influence but also enable them to achieve collective goals. Remember, true success lies not only in what one can accomplish individually, but in how they can inspire and empower others.
  2. Broadening the Sphere of Personal Awareness:
    While technical competence is vital, self-reflection and personal growth are equally important for practitioners. By expanding their sphere of personal awareness, practitioners can develop essential skills such as effective communication, self-reflection, and cultivating professional networks. These skills enable practitioners to navigate complex work environments with empathy, resilience, and adaptability. By embracing continuous learning and seeking feedback, practitioners can refine their own professional identities and foster a growth mindset.
  3. Enriching the Sphere of Competence:
    Technical skills form the foundation of a practitioner’s competence, but to truly excel, they must recognize and harness their full potential. By exploring their own capabilities and pushing beyond their comfort zones, practitioners can unlock new levels of competence. This includes regularly assessing and updating their skill set, staying informed about emerging trends, and reflecting on their professional experiences. Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement empowers practitioners to adapt to changing circumstances, seize new opportunities, and reach their full potential.

To thrive in the dynamic professional landscape of today, practitioners must see beyond their technical competency. By recognising the interplay between their sphere of influence, sphere of awareness, and sphere of competence, practitioners can unlock a world of possibilities for personal growth and professional success. Embracing collaboration skills, cultivating personal awareness, and continuously expanding their competence enables practitioners to become well-rounded professionals who excel in their fields. So, let us strive to broaden our horizons and embark on a journey of holistic growth, where technical competency is just the starting point towards a brighter future.


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