Leader – Manager

Tags: Trust; Leadership; Safety Threat; Managing Up and Managing Down; Climate; D-Process

Stay in the helicopter or boots on the ground…

Leadership and management are different. So… How do individual practitioners and the team function and perform when the leaders are trying to manage and the managers are trying to lead?

Team performance is a function of the individuals contribution towards the teams collective purpose and goals. To deliver high performance outcomes we must ensure:

  • Synergy and alignment between leadership and management
  • Role delineation between those that lead and manage
  • Clarity of purpose in both roles
  • Autonomy, accountability and freedom
  • Complete belief in the individual and teams ability
  • High levels of trust from leaders and managers in those that deliver
  • Appropriate measures based on the teams purpose (both performance and behavior)
  • Investment in people growth and learning as an embedded feature of everyone’s experience

Perhaps the aim (in its most simplistic form), is to bring the line where leadership ends and management starts and vice versa as close as possible without encroaching on one another. If this is achieved, the practitioner and team that sit between them are less likely to get caught in the potential ‘blurring’ – reducing ambiguity, enhancing purpose and amplifying capability. What an opportunity this presents.